Jamie, your the best animator out there period, no body comes remotely close and this cartoon proves it. Keep up the incredible work.
Jamie, your the best animator out there period, no body comes remotely close and this cartoon proves it. Keep up the incredible work.
Make Newgrounds Great Again!
fuck you this is no bernie sanders rally
I don't get it, is this a young Indiana Jones fanficiton?
This cured me of polio. Its that good.
I liked the clock! Best voice actor eva!
This is awesome! Good timing and your keys are super intense! Well done Sir!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. it was alot of fun to animate.
I liked the part with the dog.
4.5/5 I'm telling Flikkernick on you!!
not before i tell on you to mr. fulp!!!!
I loved everything about this, great job!
California, CA
Joined on 7/11/14